Saturday, May 21, 2005


I previously mentioned Ubunut Linux as a possible base for a distro focused on education because it supports both Intel-compatible (x86) and Macintosh (PPC) computers, both of which are common in schools. Shortly after I tried installing Ubuntu Warty, their first release, on my 64bit AMD Athalon, and had major problems. I gave up, and went back to distro-searching, until about a month ago when I heard that Ubuntu was getting a lot of praise, and really coming up in the market, so I looked at their site again and found that the next version was out. Liking their 1 CD distro much better than the average 4 CDs I decided to try it again. It Works!! I've found Ubuntu to be a very stable distro, lacking only support for my wireless card (then again, I can't find any other distros that come with the kernel modules for the RT2500-based WMP54G).

My other recent project has been finding OSS for Windows. I have a few of the better sites bookmarked on, and some of this software would definitely be useful in schools. Note also that TheOpenCD is sponsored by Canonical Ltd, the organization behind Ubuntu and various other projects.

I just happened to run into an article (courtesy of the forums) in The Observer entitled "Lesson number one: get rid of Microsoft." It gives some general information on how schools in the UK are considering making the switch to OSS and how some already have. With any luck other governments may take notice and take action!


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